
Documentation and information about growing and preserving soybeans.

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Possible Solutions for Reducing Soybean Lodging

July 24, 2024
In soybeans, lodging (plants that fall over) is a problem that can seriously impact yield, resulting in losses that can run as high as 10 %. Often, it’s only small portions of a field that lodge; but in rare cases, whole fields may go down! In this blog post, we present the causes and impacts […]

Soybean Aphid Damage

July 8, 2024
The Asian soybean aphid was first seen in North America in the state of Wisconsin in 2000. In 2001, it made its official appearance in Québec, following some severe infestations reported in Ontario. Considered one of the major pests in soybean culture, it is now found in most of our fields in every season! But […]

Aphid Management in 2024

July 8, 2024
Field scouting The presence of large numbers of aphids can seriously affect the development of soybean plants. Field scouting is therefore essential and must be carried out more frequently the moment the threshold of 250 aphids per plant is reached. Close tracking of aphid populations as they evolve will help you assess whether their numbers […]

Accelerated Aging: which Disease are we Dealing with?

June 20, 2024
It’s not always easy to identify the primary cause of early crop maturity in soybeans, as it can be simultaneously induced by a range of environmental factors, including common diseases. However, a close examination of the plants can reveal the presence of rot around the roots and stems, which could indicate something unusual. To help […]

Should I Roll My Soybeans?

June 12, 2024
Land rolling is a practice that evens out the field and prepares it for harvesting in the fall. A roller is used to push rocks into the soil and break up dirt clods or root balls, and to smooth the seed bed. Soybean rolling is usually done either before or after seeding, but in this […]

Everything You Need to Know About Soybean Populations

May 29, 2024
Now that producers are almost finished or done seeding their soybeans, it's time to take a look at the emergence success, or the number of plants that emerged in relation to seeds planted. Here are some tips to help you get an optimal yield!

Impacts of Heavy Rains on Soybeans

April 30, 2024
In spring and fall, heavy rains are common and can occasionally result in saturated and even flooded soybean fields.  At such times, plants are more susceptible to delayed emergence and slower growth, in addition to being at greater risk of disease. In this article, we explore the factors that influence rainfall impacts on soybeans, as […]

Understanding the Basics of Soybean Closing Prices

November 1, 2023
After rain comes sun, and after the harvest comes the time to sell your soybeans. As a soybean grower, you probably know everything there is to know about your seeds and which techniques yield the best crops. But do you know how your soybean crop’s cash price is established? Keep reading to learn more about […]

Inspecting and Optimizing Bins

November 1, 2023
Now that we’ve determined how to adequately aerate and dry soybeans, we must proceed to inspect and optimize. Methods and guidelines will vary depending on the season. Here’s a brief overview of the best practices throughout the year. Fall It is very important to level the grain in the silo before starting the ventilation process […]

Calculate your Cost of Production to Improve your Profitability

October 25, 2023
Calculate your Cost of Production (COP) makes it easier to understand and manage your business and can help with decision-making. According to a survey of Canadian producers, only 65 % of farms are likely to analyze their profitability; yet there is a noticeable trend towards indebtedness, higher interest rates, and overspending. The benefits of calculating […]