Employee Profile : Haleigh Houston Export Documentation Agent

November 17, 2021

Wondering who are the people working behind the scenes at Prograin? In this article, we’ll introduce you to Haleigh Houston, one of our valued employees. 

Hello Haleigh. What do you do at Prograin and how long have you been working here?

I have worked at Prograin since autumn 2017, and I work in the Export department. My post is Export documentation agent.

Did you complete any specific program in order to do this job? 

I did not take a specific course. I had some previous experience working in Logistics, which helps my job.

Did you know anything about soybeans before you began working at Prograin?

I did not know very much about soybeans before Prograin, except that I have been a vegetarian for 16 years and many meat substitutes that I enjoy are made from soy.

Did you know about Prograin before you began working there?

No, I didn’t know anything about the company before I started working there.

What do you think sets Prograin apart from other companies?

Prograin feels different than other companies because I feel very valued here. My supervisors ask my opinions and I feel like I am an important part of the “family”. Prograin is open-minded and is willing to work with the employees to make an environment that is comfortable and supportive. 

In your opinion, what words best describe Prograin’s corporate culture?

The three words that come to mind when talking about Prograin are: supportive, motivational and flexible.

What do you like about your job?

The best part of my job is that I am self-sufficient. I have supportive team members to help me when I need it and the supervisors do not micromanage. Instead, they motivate me to keep a high standard of work while giving me the freedom to work as an individual.

What motivates you?

Always keep improving my French, maintain good relationships with clients, keep a positive attitude in the office and help my team to develop new procedures that make all of our jobs more efficient.

What’s your biggest day-to-day challenge?

The biggest challenge for me is being from California, French is not my first language, and I only started learning it 4 years ago, so I have had to practice a lot. My coworkers are very patient when I don’t know how to say something in French and eager to help me improve when I ask for help.

Last question: where might we see you outside of work?

I live in Montréal and I love to walk around the city. I like to explore new neighborhoods and try new food and coffee. I also have a large balcony garden and spend most days working in my garden or cooking with vegetables that I grew in my garden. 

Finally, I love music and I play guitar, so when I am not working in my garden or exploring the city, you can find me playing guitar or listening to records. 

Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself, Haleigh.