Employee Profile : Aurélie Savard - Export Clerk

June 9, 2022

Wondering who are the people working behind the scenes at Prograin? In this article, we’ll introduce you to Aurélie Savard, one of our valued employees. 

Hi Aurélie.What do you do at Prograin and how long have you been working here?

I currently work as the Export Clerk and have held this position since early February 2022.

Did you complete any specific program in order to do this job? 

I did not have to have any specialized education, I was trained on the job by the person who did it before me. At CEGEP, I studied Office Technology, a program that covers several fields (office automation, Web design and computer graphics). At the time, I wanted to be a graphic designer and work in visual arts, but my plans changed over time.

Did you know anything about soybeans before you began working at Prograin?

No, I knew nothing about this field. All I knew was that soy was the main ingredient in the plant milk I was drinking.

Did you know about Prograin before you began working there?

Honestly, I didn’t know the company existed before I started working here. Since I am originally from Trois-Rivières, I only heard about Prograin after I moved to the area.

What do you think sets Prograin apart from other companies?

Prograin is a family-owned business with strong values, in my opinion. It has brought together many passionate and dedicated people from different walks of life. The organization is committed to the success and well-being of its employees. At Prograin, I feel like I am a valued member of the family.

In your opinion, what words best describe Prograin’s corporate culture?

The words that come to mind first for me are: perseverance, growth and family.

What do you like about your job?

I like having many different responsibilities. I am constantly learning and acquiring skills. I am growing not only professionally, but personally. I am very happy in my current job now.

What motivates you?

Being effective, being as helpful as I can to my team, continuing to develop myself, learning to trust myself, recognizing my value and maintaining a positive energy!

What’s your biggest day-to-day challenge?

I would say that my greatest challenge is trusting myself. I find that very often, I doubt my abilities, both in my job as well as outside of work. I second-guess myself a lot. I have a long way to go on that score.

Last question: Where might we see you outside of work?

Lately, I really love taking long walks and enjoying the scenery in and around Bromont, so you just might cross paths with me when I am out walking close to home.

Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself, Aurélie.