Keep an Eye on Your Profitability with FIXX

October 9, 2021

Last month, we officially announced the Western Canadian launch of our brand-new app called FIXX.

One of our main goals as a company is to support the farming community as they grow, face new challenges, and thrive. To support our growers as holistically as possible, we wanted to bring the relationship to the next level by helping them increase their profits directly. With FIXX, we’re doing this in a way that no other Canadian company does.

FIXX: a real game changer for the farming community

FIXX is a self-sufficient price closing platform that allows producers to easily market their harvest online. With FIXX, you can keep control over the selling price of your crop, set your pricing objectives, and track your revenues in real time.

You can set your prices manually whenever you want, or set objectives that will automatically adjust your pricing as the market fluctuates. Whether you’re at the computer or out on the tractor, the app is working for you. If your target hits in the middle of harvest, everything is already taken care of, so you can focus on other things.

The app also lets you see how other crops are performing, so you’re more educated if you ever decide to add more varieties to your rotation. 

The app that has lots to offer

FIXX is connected to the Chicago Stock Exchange; targets set are based on these prices.

The app is – and always will be – FREE for your first year once you sign a production agreement with Prograin to activate your membership. After the first year, your yearly membership is based on a flat fee per tonne, with a maximum cost per farm in place.

Now is the time to get started

FIXX is exclusive to conventional IP or Quali-Pro soybean growers, and GMO and non-GMO seed growers who do business with Prograin.

To get started, simply speak to your retailers or contact Prograin and ask about FIXX, or visit